A new beginning for a girl

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A new beginning for a girl, as a teacher remembers

When Amrita (name changed) was in class 5, her mother admitted her to our SPADE-run Bartika Learning Center. Her mother’s words still float before my eyes. “In any way, you teacher, raise my daughter. The condition of my house is not good. She is extremely poor in her studies, she is also not going to school regularly, and I am not able to give much time to my daughter”. I was very sad to hear the words that day. After seeing Amrita, I understood that she is a very calm girl. Amrita started coming to the learning center every day on time.

When she first came here, she could not read Bengali, could not do addition, subtraction, multiplication, division in mathematics. She was not able to speak or write about anything on her own. Even if she did not understand something, she hesitated to ask the teachers.

I was very worried. I saw that there are many like Amrita who can’t do any of these things. Bartika Learning Center has been started in order to impart education in a new way. Everyone comes here and studies on their own; the teachers help them if they don’t understand by themselves. For six to seven months, there were emphasis on Bengali handwriting and reading methods regularly. So that the students do not lag behind others, they study through computers with internet facilities. In addition, drawing, dancing, sports were introduced.

These learners also undertake Bratachari – a comprehensive programme of physical, mental, and intellectual culture, based on folk traditions of physical exercise, art, dance, drama, music, singing and social service.

After coming to the class, she started to catch reading, comprehend the text, and capable of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. Slowly everything became her habit. Now everything is much better than before. As a result, her tendency to go to school has increased.

Now she has elevated to the sixth standard with better marks in every subject. Inquiring with the school teachers, it is leaned that she is now attending school regularly and is concentrating on her studies. Amrita loves playing football and dancing. All the children are given regular training and dance practice in Bartika Learner Center to improve their skills. Amrita has participated in the annual sports competition of the school and has done very well. She has won everyone’s hearts by performing a very good dance in the cultural program of the school. A girl like Amrita has managed to excel in studies or other subjects despite pitiable home environment.

Let’s hope that in the future Amrita can reach the pinnacle of achievement in life. Bartika Learning Centre of SPADE will always be with her in any situation.

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